Huan Ti

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In NetHack, Huan Ti is the chaotic god of the Monk pantheon.


The Yellow Emperor, also known as the Yellow Thearch, is a mythical Chinese sovereign and cultural hero who is one of the legendary Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, as well as an individual deity (shen) or part of the Five Regions Highest Deities in Chinese folk religion. Also known by the Chinese name Huangdi, romanized as Huang-ti or Huan Ti, his reign is traditionally dated as 2697–2597 or 2698–2598 BCE. Huangdi's cult is first attested in the Warring States period, and became prominent in the late Warring States period and into the early Han dynasty, when he was portrayed as the originator of the centralized state, a cosmic ruler, and a patron of esoteric arts.

The Yellow Emperor is regarded as the origin of Han Chinese culture, with a large number of texts and numerous inventions and innovations attributed to him: the lunar calendar (Chinese calendar), Taoism, wooden houses, boats, carts, the compass needle, the medical classic known as Huangdi Neijing, and the political treatises known as the Huangdi Sijing. Huangdi's influence waned during most of the imperial period, though in the early twentieth century he became a rallying figure for Han Chinese attempts to overthrow the rule of the Qing dynasty, and he remains a powerful symbol within modern Chinese nationalism.



In dNetHack, notdNetHack and notnotdNetHack, Huan Ti is replaced by the hunshi sihou.

Encyclopedia entry

Both "Huan Ti" and the alternate spelling "Huang-ti" return this entry:

The first of five mythical Chinese emperors, Huan Ti is known
as the yellow emperor. He rules the _moving_ heavens, as
opposed to the _dark_ heavens. He is an inventor, said to
have given mankind among other things, the wheel, armour, and
the compass. He is the god of fortune telling and war.