Software bug

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This article is about irregularities in the code of software. For other uses, see Bug (disambiguation).

In the context of NetHack, a software bug, commonly known as just a bug, is a problem in the game's source code.

Bugs in vanilla NetHack

NetHack's site has a bugs list detailing information about reported bugs in the current released version of the game, NetHack 3.6.7, as well as independent bug lists for several of the previous versions. Bug lists for two of those previous versions can also be found on NetHackWiki:

In addition, the NetHack repository on GitHub has a list of open issues and a complete list of issues that can be referenced when reporting any bugs in the current development version, NetHack 3.7.0.

Reporting bugs

When reporting a bug for a particular version of NetHack, check the above lists first to make sure you are not reporting a known bug.

You can report bugs in vanilla NetHack directly to the DevTeam, either by emailing them, or using their contact form.

Before sending a bug report, you might want to talk about the bug in the appropriate channels on Libera.


For information about bugs in a variant, see the relevant variant page. Many variants also have Libera channels.