Source:NetHack 3.1.0/mkobj.c

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Below is the full text to mkobj.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/mkobj.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mkobj.c	3.1	93/01/17	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "artifact.h"
7.    #include "prop.h"
9.    STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mkbox_cnts,(struct obj *));
11.   struct icp {
12.       int  iprob; /* probability of an item type */
13.       char ilet;	/* item class */
14.   };
16.   #ifdef OVL1
18.   const struct icp mkobjprobs[] = {
19.   {10, WEAPON_CLASS},
20.   {10, ARMOR_CLASS},
21.   {20, FOOD_CLASS},
22.   { 8, TOOL_CLASS},
23.   { 8, GEM_CLASS},
24.   {16, POTION_CLASS},
25.   {16, SCROLL_CLASS},
26.   { 4, SPBOOK_CLASS},
27.   { 4, WAND_CLASS},
28.   { 3, RING_CLASS},
29.   { 1, AMULET_CLASS}
30.   };
32.   const struct icp boxiprobs[] = {
33.   {18, GEM_CLASS},
34.   {15, FOOD_CLASS},
35.   {18, POTION_CLASS},
36.   {18, SCROLL_CLASS},
37.   {12, SPBOOK_CLASS},
38.   { 7, GOLD_CLASS},
39.   { 6, WAND_CLASS},
40.   { 5, RING_CLASS},
41.   { 1, AMULET_CLASS}
42.   };
44.   #ifdef REINCARNATION
45.   const struct icp rogueprobs[] = {
46.   {12, WEAPON_CLASS},
47.   {12, ARMOR_CLASS},
48.   {22, FOOD_CLASS},
49.   {22, POTION_CLASS},
50.   {22, SCROLL_CLASS},
51.   { 5, WAND_CLASS},
52.   { 5, RING_CLASS}
53.   };
54.   #endif
56.   const struct icp hellprobs[] = {
57.   {20, WEAPON_CLASS},
58.   {20, ARMOR_CLASS},
59.   {16, FOOD_CLASS},
60.   {12, TOOL_CLASS},
61.   {10, GEM_CLASS},
62.   { 1, POTION_CLASS},
63.   { 1, SCROLL_CLASS},
64.   { 8, WAND_CLASS},
65.   { 8, RING_CLASS},
66.   { 4, AMULET_CLASS}
67.   };
69.   static int NEARDATA mksx=0, NEARDATA mksy=0;
71.   struct obj *
72.   mkobj_at(let,x,y, artif)
73.   char let;
74.   int x,y;
75.   boolean artif;
76.   {
77.   	register struct obj *otmp;
79.   	mksx = x; mksy = y;
80.   	/* We need to know the X, Y coordinates while creating the object,
81.   	 * to insure shop boxes are empty.
82.   	 * Yes, this is a horrible kludge...
83.   	 */
84.   	otmp = mkobj(let,artif);
85.   	otmp->nobj = fobj;
86.   	fobj = otmp;
87.   	place_object(otmp, x, y);
88.   	mksx = mksy = 0;
89.   	return(otmp);
90.   }
92.   struct obj *
93.   mksobj_at(otyp,x,y,init)
94.   int otyp,x,y;
95.   boolean init;
96.   {
97.   	register struct obj *otmp;
99.   	mksx = x; mksy = y;
100.  	otmp = mksobj(otyp,init,TRUE);
101.  	otmp->nobj = fobj;
102.  	place_object(otmp, x, y);
103.  	mksx = mksy = 0;
104.  	return((fobj = otmp));
105.  }
107.  struct obj *
108.  mkobj(let, artif)
109.  char let;
110.  boolean artif;
111.  {
112.  	register int tprob, i, prob = rnd(1000);
114.  	if(let == RANDOM_CLASS) {
115.  		const struct icp *iprobs =
116.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
117.  				    (Is_rogue_level(& ?
118.  				    (const struct icp *)rogueprobs :
119.  #endif
120.  				    Inhell ? (const struct icp *)hellprobs :
121.  				    (const struct icp *)mkobjprobs;
123.  		for(tprob = rnd(100);
124.  		    (tprob -= iprobs->iprob) > 0;
125.  		    iprobs++);
126.  		let = iprobs->ilet;
127.  	}
129.  	i = bases[letindex(let)];
130.  	while((prob -= objects[i].oc_prob) > 0) i++;
132.  	if(objects[i].oc_class != let || !OBJ_NAME(objects[i]))
133.  		panic("probtype error, let=%c i=%d", let, i);
135.  	return(mksobj(i, TRUE, artif));
136.  }
138.  STATIC_OVL void
139.  mkbox_cnts(box)
140.  /* Note: does not check to see if it overloaded the box capacity; usually
141.   * possible only with corpses in ice boxes.
142.   */
143.  struct obj *box;
144.  {
145.  	register int n;
146.  	register struct obj *otmp, *gold = 0;
148.  	box->cobj = (struct obj *) 0;
150.  	switch(box->otyp) {
151.  		case ICE_BOX:		n = 20; break;
152.  		case CHEST:		n = 5; break;
153.  		case LARGE_BOX:		n = 3; break;
154.  		case SACK:
155.  		case OILSKIN_SACK:
156.  		case BAG_OF_HOLDING:	n = 1; break;
157.  		default:		n = 0; break;
158.  	}
160.  	for (n = rn2(n+1); n > 0; n--) {
161.  	    if (box->otyp == ICE_BOX) {
162.  		if (!(otmp = mksobj(CORPSE, TRUE, TRUE))) continue;
163.  		/* Note: setting age to 0 is correct.  Age has a different
164.  		 * from usual meaning for objects stored in ice boxes. -KAA
165.  		 */
166.  		otmp->age = 0L;
167.  	    } else {
168.  		register int tprob;
169.  		const struct icp *iprobs = boxiprobs;
171.  		for (tprob = rnd(100); (tprob -= iprobs->iprob) > 0; iprobs++)
172.  		    ;
173.  		if (!(otmp = mkobj(iprobs->ilet, TRUE))) continue;
175.  		/* handle a couple of special cases */
176.  		if (otmp->otyp == GOLD_PIECE) {
177.  		    /* 2.5 x level's usual amount; weight adjusted below */
178.  		    otmp->quan = (long)(rnd(level_difficulty()+2) * rnd(75));
179.  		    if (gold) {			/* gold already in this box */
180.  			gold->quan += otmp->quan;	/* merge */
181.  			dealloc_obj(otmp);	/* note: not yet in any chain */
182.  			continue;
183.  		    } else {
184.  			gold = otmp;		/* remember this object */
185.  		    }
186.  		} else while (otmp->otyp == ROCK) {
187.  		    otmp->otyp = rnd_class(DILITHIUM_CRYSTAL, LOADSTONE);
188.  		    if (otmp->quan > 2L) otmp->quan = 1L;
189.  		    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
190.  		}
191.  		if (box->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING) {
192.  		    if (Is_mbag(otmp)) {
193.  			otmp->otyp = SACK;
194.  			otmp->spe = 0;
195.  			otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
196.  		    } else while (otmp->otyp == WAN_CANCELLATION)
197.  			    otmp->otyp = rnd_class(WAN_LIGHT, WAN_LIGHTNING);
198.  		}
199.  	    }
200.  	    otmp->nobj = box->cobj;
201.  	    box->cobj = otmp;
202.  	}
203.  	if (gold) gold->owt = weight(gold);	/* quantity was diddled */
204.  	return;
205.  }
207.  int
208.  rndmonnum()	/* select a random, common monster type */
209.  {
210.  	register struct permonst *ptr;
211.  	register int	i;
213.  	/* Plan A: get a level-appropriate common monster */
214.  	ptr = rndmonst();
215.  	if (ptr) return(monsndx(ptr));
217.  	/* Plan B: get any common monster */
218.  	do {
219.  	    ptr = &mons[(i = rn2(NUMMONS))];
220.  	} while((ptr->geno & G_NOGEN) || (!Inhell && (ptr->geno & G_HELL)));
222.  	return(i);
223.  }
225.  #endif /* OVL1 */
226.  #ifdef OVLB
227.  const char dknowns[] = { WAND_CLASS, RING_CLASS, POTION_CLASS, SCROLL_CLASS,
230.  /*ARGSUSED*/
231.  struct obj *
232.  mksobj(otyp, init, artif)
233.  int otyp;
234.  boolean init;
235.  boolean artif;
236.  {
237.  	int tryct;
238.  	struct obj *otmp;
239.  	char let = objects[otyp].oc_class;
241.  	otmp = newobj(0);
242.  	*otmp = zeroobj;
243.  	otmp->age = monstermoves;
244.  	otmp->o_id = flags.ident++;
245.  	otmp->quan = 1L;
246.  	otmp->oclass = let;
247.  	otmp->otyp = otyp;
248.  	otmp->dknown = index(dknowns, let) ? 0 : 1;
249.  	if (!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_uses_known)
250.  		otmp->known = 1;
251.  	if (init) switch (let) {
252.  	case WEAPON_CLASS:
253.  		otmp->quan = (otmp->otyp <= SHURIKEN) ? (long) rn1(6,6) : 1L;
254.  		if(!rn2(11)) {
255.  			otmp->spe = rne(3);
256.  			otmp->blessed = rn2(2);
257.  		} else if(!rn2(10)) {
258.  			curse(otmp);
259.  			otmp->spe = -rne(3);
260.  		} else	blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
262.  		if (artif && !rn2(20))
263.  		    otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE);
264.  		break;
265.  	case FOOD_CLASS:
266.  	    otmp->oeaten = 0;
267.  	    switch(otmp->otyp) {
268.  		case CORPSE:
269.  		    /* overridden by mkcorpstat() */
270.  		    do otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
271.  		    while (mons[otmp->corpsenm].geno & G_NOCORPSE);
272.  		    break;
273.  		case EGG:
274.  		    if(!rn2(3)) {		/* "live" eggs */
275.  			register struct permonst *ptr;
276.  			for(tryct = 0;
277.  			    (!(ptr = rndmonst()) ||
278.  			    (!lays_eggs(ptr) && ptr != &mons[PM_KILLER_BEE])) &&
279.  				tryct < 100;
280.  			    tryct++);
281.  			if(tryct < 100)	otmp->corpsenm = monsndx(ptr);
282.  			else		otmp->corpsenm = -1; /* empty */
283.  		    } else		otmp->corpsenm = -1; /* empty */
284.  		    break;
285.  		case TIN:
286.  		    if(!rn2(6)) {
287.  			otmp->spe = 1;		/* spinach */
288.  			otmp->corpsenm = -1;
289.  		    } else do {
290.  			otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
291.  		    } while (mons[otmp->corpsenm].geno & G_NOCORPSE);
292.  		    blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
293.  		    break;
294.  #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI
295.  		case SLIME_MOLD:
296.  		    otmp->spe = current_fruit;
297.  		    break;
298.  #endif
299.  	    }
300.  	    if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) break;
301.  	    /* fall into next case */
303.  	case GEM_CLASS:
304.  		if (otmp->otyp == LOADSTONE) curse(otmp);
305.  		else if (otmp->otyp == ROCK) otmp->quan = (long) rn1(6,6);
306.  		else if (otmp->otyp != LUCKSTONE && !rn2(6)) otmp->quan = 2L;
307.  		else otmp->quan = 1L;
308.  		break;
309.  	case TOOL_CLASS:
310.  	    switch(otmp->otyp) {
311.  		case TALLOW_CANDLE:
312.  		case WAX_CANDLE:	otmp->spe = 1;
313.  					otmp->age = 20L * /* 400 or 200 */
314.  					      (long)objects[otmp->otyp].oc_cost;
315.  					otmp->lamplit = 0;
316.  					otmp->quan = 1L +
317.  					      (long)(rn2(2) ? rn2(7) : 0);
318.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 5);
319.  					break;
320.  		case BRASS_LANTERN:
321.  		case OIL_LAMP:		otmp->spe = 1;
322.  					otmp->age = (long) rn1(500,1000);
323.  					otmp->lamplit = 0;
324.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 5);
325.  					break;
326.  		case MAGIC_LAMP:	otmp->spe = 1;
327.  					otmp->lamplit = 0;
328.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 2);
329.  					break;
330.  		case CHEST:
331.  		case LARGE_BOX:		otmp->olocked = !!(rn2(5));
332.  					otmp->otrapped = !(rn2(10));
333.  		case ICE_BOX:
334.  		case SACK:
335.  		case OILSKIN_SACK:
336.  		case BAG_OF_HOLDING:	mkbox_cnts(otmp);
337.  					break;
338.  		case MAGIC_MARKER:	otmp->spe = rn1(70,30);
339.  					break;
340.  		case CAN_OF_GREASE:	otmp->spe = rnd(25);
341.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
342.  					break;
343.  		case CRYSTAL_BALL:	otmp->spe = rnd(5);
344.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 2);
345.  					break;
346.  		case HORN_OF_PLENTY:
347.  		case BAG_OF_TRICKS:	otmp->spe = rnd(20);
348.  					break;
349.  		case FIGURINE:	{	int tryct2 = 0;
350.  					do
351.  					    otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
352.  					while(is_human(&mons[otmp->corpsenm])
353.  						&& tryct2++ < 30);
354.  					blessorcurse(otmp, 4);
355.  					break;
356.  				}
357.  		case BELL_OF_OPENING:   otmp->spe = 3;
358.  					break;
359.  		case MAGIC_FLUTE:
360.  		case MAGIC_HARP:
361.  		case FROST_HORN:
362.  		case FIRE_HORN:
363.  		case DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE:
364.  					otmp->spe = rn1(5,4);
365.  					break;
366.  	    }
367.  	    break;
368.  	case AMULET_CLASS:
369.  		if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION ||
370.  		   otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_CHANGE ||
371.  		   otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_RESTFUL_SLEEP)) {
372.  			curse(otmp);
373.  		} else	blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
374.  	case VENOM_CLASS:
375.  	case CHAIN_CLASS:
376.  	case BALL_CLASS:
377.  		break;
378.  	case POTION_CLASS:
379.  	case SCROLL_CLASS:
380.  #ifdef MAIL
381.  		if (otmp->otyp != SCR_MAIL)
382.  #endif
383.  			blessorcurse(otmp, 4);
384.  		break;
385.  	case SPBOOK_CLASS:
386.  		blessorcurse(otmp, 17);
387.  		break;
388.  	case ARMOR_CLASS:
389.  		if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == FUMBLE_BOOTS ||
390.  		   otmp->otyp == LEVITATION_BOOTS ||
391.  		   otmp->otyp == HELM_OF_OPPOSITE_ALIGNMENT ||
392.  		   otmp->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_FUMBLING ||
393.  		   !rn2(11))) {
394.  			curse(otmp);
395.  			otmp->spe = -rne(3);
396.  		} else if(!rn2(10)) {
397.  			otmp->blessed = rn2(2);
398.  			otmp->spe = rne(3);
399.  		} else	blessorcurse(otmp, 10);
400.  		break;
401.  	case WAND_CLASS:
402.  		if(otmp->otyp == WAN_WISHING) otmp->spe = rnd(3); else
403.  		otmp->spe = rn1(5,
404.  			(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_dir == NODIR) ? 11 : 4);
405.  		blessorcurse(otmp, 17);
406.  		otmp->recharged = 0; /* used to control recharging */
407.  		break;
408.  	case RING_CLASS:
409.  		if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_charged) {
410.  		    blessorcurse(otmp, 3);
411.  		    if(rn2(10)) {
412.  			if(rn2(10) && bcsign(otmp))
413.  			    otmp->spe = bcsign(otmp) * rne(3);
414.  			else otmp->spe = rn2(2) ? rne(3) : -rne(3);
415.  		    }
416.  		    /* make useless +0 rings much less common */
417.  		    if (otmp->spe == 0) otmp->spe = rn2(4) - rn2(3);
418.  		    /* negative rings are usually cursed */
419.  		    if (otmp->spe < 0 && rn2(5)) curse(otmp);
420.  		} else if(rn2(10) && (otmp->otyp == RIN_TELEPORTATION ||
421.  #ifdef POLYSELF
422.  			  otmp->otyp == RIN_POLYMORPH ||
423.  #endif
424.  			  otmp->otyp == RIN_AGGRAVATE_MONSTER ||
425.  			  otmp->otyp == RIN_HUNGER || !rn2(9))) {
426.  			curse(otmp);
427.  		}
428.  		break;
429.  	case ROCK_CLASS:
430.  		switch (otmp->otyp) {
431.  		    case STATUE:
432.  			if (rn2(level_difficulty()/2 + 10) > 10) {
433.  				struct obj *book;
434.  				book = mkobj(SPBOOK_CLASS,FALSE);
435.  				otmp->cobj = book;
436.  			}
437.  			/* overridden by mkcorpstat() */
438.  			otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
439.  		}
440.  		break;
441.  	case GOLD_CLASS:
442.  		break;	/* do nothing */
443.  	default:
444.  		impossible("impossible mkobj %d, sym '%c'.", otmp->otyp, objects[otmp->otyp].oc_class);
445.  		return (struct obj *)0;
446.  	}
447.  	/* unique objects may have an associated artifact entry */
448.  	if (objects[otyp].oc_unique && !otmp->oartifact)
449.  	    otmp = mk_artifact(otmp, (aligntyp)A_NONE);
450.  	otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
451.  	return(otmp);
452.  }
454.  void
455.  bless(otmp)
456.  register struct obj *otmp;
457.  {
458.  	otmp->cursed = 0;
459.  	otmp->blessed = 1;
460.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
461.  	    || (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK))) {
462.  	    int luckbon = stone_luck(TRUE);
463.  	    if(!luckbon && !carrying(LUCKSTONE)) u.moreluck = 0;
464.  	    else if (luckbon >= 0) u.moreluck = LUCKADD;
465.  	    else u.moreluck = -LUCKADD;
466.  	} else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
467.  	    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
468.  	return;
469.  }
471.  void
472.  unbless(otmp)
473.  register struct obj *otmp;
474.  {
475.  	otmp->blessed = 0;
476.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
477.  	    || (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK))) {
478.  	    int luckbon = stone_luck(TRUE);
479.  	    if (!luckbon && !carrying(LUCKSTONE)) u.moreluck = 0;
480.  	    else if (luckbon >= 0) u.moreluck = LUCKADD;
481.  	    else u.moreluck = -LUCKADD;
482.  	} else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
483.  	    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
484.  }
486.  void
487.  curse(otmp)
488.  register struct obj *otmp;
489.  {
490.  	otmp->blessed = 0;
491.  	otmp->cursed = 1;
492.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
493.  	    || (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK))) {
494.  	    int luckbon = stone_luck(TRUE);
495.  	    if (!luckbon && !carrying(LUCKSTONE)) u.moreluck = 0;
496.  	    else if (luckbon >= 0) u.moreluck = LUCKADD;
497.  	    else u.moreluck = -LUCKADD;
498.  	} else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
499.  	    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
500.  	return;
501.  }
503.  void
504.  uncurse(otmp)
505.  register struct obj *otmp;
506.  {
507.  	otmp->cursed = 0;
508.  	if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
509.  	    || (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK))) {
510.  	    int luckbon = stone_luck(TRUE);
511.  	    if (!luckbon && !carrying(LUCKSTONE)) u.moreluck = 0;
512.  	    else if (luckbon >= 0) u.moreluck = LUCKADD;
513.  	    else u.moreluck = -LUCKADD;
514.  	} else if (otmp->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
515.  		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
516.  }
518.  #endif /* OVLB */
519.  #ifdef OVL1
520.  void
521.  blessorcurse(otmp, chance)
522.  register struct obj *otmp;
523.  register int chance;
524.  {
525.  	if(otmp->blessed || otmp->cursed) return;
527.  	if(!rn2(chance))
528.  	    if(!rn2(2)) {
529.  		curse(otmp);
530.  	    } else {
531.  		bless(otmp);
532.  	    }
533.  	return;
534.  }
536.  #endif /* OVL1 */
537.  #ifdef OVLB
539.  int
540.  bcsign(otmp)
541.  register struct obj *otmp;
542.  {
543.  	return(!!otmp->blessed - !!otmp->cursed);
544.  }
546.  #endif /* OVLB */
547.  #ifdef OVL0
549.  /*
550.   *  Calculate the weight of the given object.  This will recursively follow
551.   *  and calculate the weight of any containers.
552.   *
553.   *  Note:  It is possible to end up with an incorrect weight if some part
554.   *	   of the code messes with a contained object and doesn't update the
555.   *	   container's weight.
556.   */
557.  int
558.  weight(obj)
559.  register struct obj *obj;
560.  {
561.  	int wt = objects[obj->otyp].oc_weight;
563.  	if (Is_container(obj) || obj->otyp == STATUE) {
564.  		struct obj *contents;
565.  		register int cwt = 0;
567.  		if (obj->otyp == STATUE && obj->corpsenm > -1)
568.  		    wt = (int)obj->quan *
569.  			 ((int)mons[obj->corpsenm].cwt * 3 / 2);
571.  		for(contents=obj->cobj; contents; contents=contents->nobj)
572.  			cwt += weight(contents);
573.  		/*
574.  		 *  The weight of bags of holding is calculated as the weight
575.  		 *  of the bag plus the weight of the bag's contents modified
576.  		 *  as follows:
577.  		 *
578.  		 *	Bag status	Weight of contents
579.  		 *	----------	------------------
580.  		 *	cursed			2x
581.  		 *	blessed			x/4 + 1
582.  		 *	otherwise		x/2 + 1
583.  		 *
584.  		 *  The macro DELTA_CWT in pickup.c also implements these
585.  		 *  weight equations.
586.  		 *
587.  		 *  Note:  The above checks are performed in the given order.
588.  		 *	   this means that if an object is both blessed and
589.  		 *	   cursed (not supposed to happen), it will be treated
590.  		 *	   as cursed.
591.  		 */
592.  		if (obj->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING)
593.  		    cwt = obj->cursed ? (cwt * 2) :
594.  					(1 + (cwt / (obj->blessed ? 4 : 2)));
596.  		return wt + cwt;
597.  	}
598.  	if (obj->otyp == CORPSE && obj->corpsenm > -1)
599.  		return (int)obj->quan * mons[obj->corpsenm].cwt;
600.  	else if (obj->otyp == GOLD_PIECE)
601.  		return (int)((obj->quan + 500L) / 1000L);
602.  	return(wt ? wt*(int)obj->quan : ((int)obj->quan + 1)>>1);
603.  }
605.  #endif /* OVL0 */
606.  #ifdef OVLB
608.  void
609.  mkgold(amount, x, y)
610.  long amount;
611.  int x, y;
612.  {
613.      register struct obj *gold = g_at(x,y);
615.      if (amount <= 0L) amount = (long)(1 + rnd(level_difficulty()+2) * rnd(30));
616.      if (gold) {
617.  	gold->quan += amount;
618.      } else {
619.  	gold = mksobj_at(GOLD_PIECE,x,y,TRUE);
620.  	gold->quan = amount;
621.      }
622.      gold->owt = weight(gold);
623.  }
625.  #endif /* OVLB */
626.  #ifdef OVL1
627.  struct obj *
628.  mkcorpstat(objtype, ptr, x, y, init)
629.  int objtype;	/* CORPSE or STATUE */
630.  register struct permonst *ptr;
631.  int x, y;
632.  boolean init;
633.  {
634.  	register struct obj *otmp;
636.  	if(objtype != CORPSE && objtype != STATUE)
637.  		impossible("making corpstat type %d", objtype);
638.  	otmp = mksobj_at(objtype, x, y, init);
639.  	if(otmp)  {
640.  		if(ptr)	otmp->corpsenm = monsndx(ptr);
641.  		else	otmp->corpsenm = rndmonnum();
642.  		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
643.  	}
644.  	return(otmp);
645.  }
647.  #endif /* OVL1 */
648.  #ifdef OVLB
649.  struct obj *
650.  mk_tt_object(objtype, x, y)
651.  int objtype; /* CORPSE or STATUE */
652.  register int x, y;
653.  {
654.  	register struct obj *otmp;
656.  	/* player statues never contain books */
657.  	if ((otmp = mksobj_at(objtype,x,y,FALSE)) != 0)
658.  		otmp = tt_oname(otmp);
659.  	return(otmp);
660.  }
662.  /* make a new corpse or statue, uninitialized if a statue (i.e. no books) */
663.  struct obj *
664.  mk_named_object(objtype, ptr, x, y, nm, lth)
665.  int objtype; /* CORPSE or STATUE */
666.  register struct permonst *ptr;
667.  int x, y;
668.  char * nm;
669.  register int lth;
670.  {
671.  	struct obj *otmp;
673.  	otmp = mkcorpstat(objtype,ptr,x,y,(objtype != STATUE));
674.  	if (lth > 0) {
675.  		/* Note: oname() is safe since otmp is first in both chains */
676.  		otmp = oname(otmp, nm, FALSE);
677.  		fobj = otmp;
678.  		level.objects[x][y] = otmp;
679.  		if (is_pool(x,y)) water_damage(otmp,TRUE);
680.  	}
681.  	return(otmp);
682.  }
684.  boolean
685.  is_flammable(otmp)
686.  register struct obj *otmp;
687.  {
688.  	int otyp = otmp->otyp;
690.  	if (objects[otyp].oc_oprop == FIRE_RES) return FALSE;
692.  	return((objects[otyp].oc_material == WOOD ||
693.  			objects[otyp].oc_material == 0));
695.  }
697.  #endif /* OVLB */
698.  #ifdef OVL1
700.  /*
701.   * These routines maintain the single-linked lists headed in level.objects[][]
702.   * and threaded through the nexthere fields in the object-instance structure.
703.   */
705.  void
706.  place_object(otmp, x, y)
707.  /* put an object on top of the pile at the given location */
708.  register struct obj *otmp;
709.  int x, y;
710.  {
711.      register struct obj *otmp2 = level.objects[x][y];
713.      if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER) block_point(x,y);	/* vision */
715.      if (otmp2 && (otmp2->otyp == BOULDER)) {
716.  	otmp->nexthere = otmp2->nexthere;
717.  	otmp2->nexthere = otmp;
718.      } else {
719.  	otmp->nexthere = otmp2;
720.  	level.objects[x][y] = otmp;
721.      }
722.      if (is_pool(x,y)) water_damage(otmp,TRUE);
724.      /* set the new object's location */
725.      otmp->ox = x;
726.      otmp->oy = y;
727.  }
729.  #endif /* OVL1 */
730.  #ifdef OVLB
731.  void
732.  remove_object(otmp)
733.  register struct obj *otmp;
734.  {
735.      register struct obj *odel;
737.      if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER) unblock_point(otmp->ox,otmp->oy); /* vision */
739.      if (otmp == level.objects[otmp->ox][otmp->oy])
740.  	level.objects[otmp->ox][otmp->oy] = otmp->nexthere;
741.      else
742.  	for (odel = level.objects[otmp->ox][otmp->oy];
743.  						    odel; odel = odel->nexthere)
744.  	    if (odel->nexthere == otmp) {
745.  		odel->nexthere = otmp->nexthere;
746.  		break;
747.  	    }
748.  }
750.  void
751.  move_object(otmp, x, y)
752.  register struct obj *otmp;
753.  int x, y;
754.  {
755.      remove_object(otmp);
756.      place_object(otmp, x, y);
757.  }
759.  #endif /* OVLB */
761.  /*mkobj.c*/